Population Demographics
The population of Ellendale, MN is 676.
The top three races (in population) are:
​White [98.6%], Hispanic [2.5%] and American Indian and Alaska Native [0.3%].
Of the city's population 50.2% are men and 49.8% are women.
100.0% of people in Ellendale, MN were born U.S. citizens, while 0.0% were born outside of the country.
54.0% of the city's population is married. The other 46.0% are single.
90.8% of the population graduated high school or have a GED. 14.3% have college degrees.

Typically, people work 40/hrs per week in Ellendale, MN.
The poverty rate for Ellendale, MN is 4.7%.
The median worker income in Ellendale, MN is $32,955.
Of workers, 83.2% commute under 25 mins, 13.5% travel 25-45 mins, and 3.3% have a commute time of over 45 mins.
At the time of the last census, the Ellendale, MN unemployment rate was 3.4%.
For homes with mortgages, owner costs average $1,000/mo.
Homes have 6 rooms on average.
76.2% of homes are owner occupied and 7.7% are rented.
The median age of homes in Ellendale, MN is 62 years.